A Little About Me
Meet Evelyn Grace

It's nice to meet you.
My name is Evelyn Grace. Well, actually it is and it isn't. You see, I write under a pen name. But it's not super secret or anything. My real name is Lisa-Anne Berry and you can find my non-fiction books under that name. I chose to publish my fiction under a different name.
You see, when I first started this author thing, there was no one else using the name Evelyn Grace. But there was someone using my real name. And I didn't like what she was publishing. It didn't fit in with my values.
Evelyn Grace isn't a random name either. I chose both names to honor my mother and my mother-in-law. My mom passed away in 2009 from cancer. Evelyn was her middle name. My mother-in-law is wonderful and I love her very much. Her middle name is Grace. So, Evelyn Grace is my way of showing love and honor to the two most important women in my life.
I've always enjoyed writing, but I wasn't sure what I would do with it. Then I began dabbling at more writing by participating in the National Novel Writing Month. This event happens every November. The goal of the event is to write a 50,000 word story in 30 days. After successfully completing my first novel through NaNoWriMo in 2013, I continued to dream about what to do with it. It took me five years to take that first novel and make it into something readable. I released Seascapes in February 2020.
I spent many years as a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to three boys. My youngest graduated in May 2022. It was at this point that I decided to spend more time on writing stories. You can now either find me hard at work at the keyboard cranking out words on my next book or at the local CrossFit gym coaching people from age five all the way up into their 80s. I am a Level 1 CrossFit coach and coach part-time.
I enjoy traveling and seeing new places. Favorite places my husband and I have visited thus far are Seattle, Nashville, and Prince Edward Island. We have dreams of traveling more once my hubby is retired. I share a lot about our travels in my newsletter and on my social media pages. For now, my hubby & I travel as we're able, gathering information on the places we go. They may show up in future stories.
My husband is also a part-time writer under the name Tripp Berry. He writes Christian action and adventure set in a world before the time of the Great Flood.
My goal for my stories as well as my non-fiction books is to make sure they are uplifting and God-honoring. Above all, my relationship with my Jesus is foremost in my life. I want that to show in my writing as well.
Feel free to drop me a line anytime. I'm happy to interact with my readers. Let me know what you might like to see me write about next!