Exploring Faith Devotionals
Discover the profound impact of prayer in A Look at Prayer, a devotional that relies on Scripture. From tearful confessions to heartfelt petitions, this guide encourages Christians to communicate with God in ways that nurture the soul and foster spiritual growth. With insightful questions and prompts included, make prayer an integral part of your journey.
In A Look at Romans, delve into the essence of Christian life—intimacy with God. Derived from a New England Bible College class, this devotional serves as a companion to your Bible study, offering valuable insights into God's character found in Romans. Suitable for both new and seasoned believers, this devotional, designed for any Bible version, invites you to explore and strengthen your connection with the divine.
A Look at Romans
Published - January 2021

Delve into God’s word today and grow the most important relationship you will ever have.
We are called as Christians to know God. Not just to know Him, but to know Him intimately, as a close friend. If you were to think about your closest friend, you would most likely be able to list what they liked and disliked. You probably would want to spend time with them and look forward to doing so.
We are called to have that type of relationship with God. We can’t know Him if we don’t spend time with Him and learn about what He likes and dislikes. We can do this by reading and studying the Scriptures. Every chapter of the Bible can give us information about God, His likes and dislikes, how we are to interact with others and with Him, how we are to love, and so much more. We just need to look for it.
This devotional on the book of Romans grew from a class the author took through New England Bible College. It is designed to be used alongside the Scriptures. Readings can be done with any version of the Bible, although the author uses the New American Standard. This study was created to help the new and seasoned Christian learn more about the characteristics of God found in Romans. Questions at the end of each chapter are included to help guide the reader.
A Look at Prayer
Published - July 2023

Open the lines of communication with God through all the aspects of prayer.
In the midst of our hectic lives, the practice of prayer often remains overlooked. A Look at Prayer seeks to share some insight into what faithful prayer can look like.
This short devotional sets out to remind us of the transformative power of prayer. Each short chapter shares verses from throughout the Bible with examples of how we, as Christians, are called to pray. Included are questions to help you think of ways to include each type of prayer in your own life as well as prompts to record your own prayers.
From tearful confessions to heartfelt petitions, learn to communicate with God in ways that nourish your soul and lead to spiritual growth. Today and always, may the practice of prayer become an integral part of your Christian journey as you learn more about God.